September Joshikai: Thai Night at Osha SOMA - Enjoying the end of the cold San Francisco summer...
Thursday, September 9th!
Joshikai is a networking group for Japanese women and women with a connection to Japan. On Thursday, September 9th, we'll meet for an evening of networking, girl talk, and tropical happy hour drinks at Osha Thai Restaurant in SOMA. Even though it's been a (mostly) cold summer, let's imagine we're on a tropical vacation, if only for one evening...
Mingle, chat and share stories with other women in English and, or Japanese. Any skill level of Japanese and English is welcome, and this will be a great opportunity to practice your Japanese (or English) and connect with women who have similar interests. Feel free to join us whenever is convenient, and bring friends! We have their lounge area reserved, as well as seats at the bar, so we have plenty of room to relax.
女子会 の皆さん、
今週は、サンフランシスコらしからぬ暑い日が 3日ほどありましたね。わたしは嬉しくなって ビールを沢山飲んで過ごしました。みなさんは、 サンフランシスコの寒い夏をどのようにお過ごしでしょうか?
さ て、あんまりにも寒いので暑気払いならぬ「寒気払い」と いたしまして、みなさんおなじみのタイ料理屋さん、Osha Thai でThai Night Meetingをやります。皆様、風邪をひかない程度にTropical Vacation っぽ装いでお越しください。Tropical drinkを飲んで寒い夏を吹き飛ばしましょう!
今回も特にゲストスピーカーの方はいませんのでみんなでリラックスしながらおしゃべり、情報交換、ネットワークをしましょう。もちろんお友達も誘ってどしどしお越し下さい。今回のHappy hour は8時までです。Bar Lounge space は結構広いのでゆっくりできると思います。(やっぱり今回 も男子禁制です。)
Date: 9/9, Thursday
Time: 6 pm - 9 pm (With happy hour prices from 6 pm - 8 pm! Please come and leave at whatever time works best for you!)
Location: Osha Thai Restaurant
311 Third Street SF, CA 94107
Phone: 415-896-6742 (OSHA)
Thursday, September 9th!
Joshikai is a networking group for Japanese women and women with a connection to Japan. On Thursday, September 9th, we'll meet for an evening of networking, girl talk, and tropical happy hour drinks at Osha Thai Restaurant in SOMA. Even though it's been a (mostly) cold summer, let's imagine we're on a tropical vacation, if only for one evening...
Mingle, chat and share stories with other women in English and, or Japanese. Any skill level of Japanese and English is welcome, and this will be a great opportunity to practice your Japanese (or English) and connect with women who have similar interests. Feel free to join us whenever is convenient, and bring friends! We have their lounge area reserved, as well as seats at the bar, so we have plenty of room to relax.
女子会 の皆さん、
今週は、サンフランシスコらしからぬ暑い日が 3日ほどあ
さ て、あんまりにも寒いので暑気払いならぬ「寒気払い」
Date: 9/9, Thursday
Time: 6 pm - 9 pm (With happy hour prices from 6 pm - 8 pm! Please come and leave at whatever time works best for you!)
Location: Osha Thai Restaurant
311 Third Street SF, CA 94107
Phone: 415-896-6742 (OSHA)