Joshikai Picnic - Saturday, June 8th!

Joshikai is a networking group for Japanese women and women with a connection to Japan. On Saturday, June 8th, we're having a special event: a picnic in Dolores Park!

For this special event, we invite you to bring family and friends (including men). Please bring your own food and drinks and any food that you'd like to share with the group, if you like. A blanket to sit on and any outdoor games would also be appreciated.

We will plan to be in a spot close to 18th St. and Dolores, near the tennis and basketball courts. We will bring balloons so you can find us easily!

In case of rain, the picnic will be rescheduled. We will send out an email the day before if we need to change the date.

Date: Saturday, June 8th

Time: 12 - 4 pm (Please feel free to join and leave whenever is most convenient for you!)

Location: Dolores Park, Take BART to 16th St. Mission, MUNI to Church St. / 18th St. (F and J lines)

To bring: Food, drinks, games, sunscreen, a blanket, family and friends...

次回の女子会は6月8日の日曜日にDolores Parkでピクニックを行います。開催は大体12時から4時までで、テニスコートとバスケットコートの側でやります。風船を目印に置いておきます。公園の側には沢山のお店があります。近くでサンドイッチを買ってもよし、手作りのお弁当を持ってきてもよし、手ぶらでももちろんよし、公園で一緒にのんびりしましょう。今回は週末に開催しますので、男子禁制ではありません。お友達、ご家族、イケメン、イクメン、、、皆様を誘い合わせの上奮ってご参加ください。
