March Joshikai: East Bay Joshikai at Ippuku
Thursday, March 10th!
Joshikai is a networking group for Japanese women and women with a connection to Japan. We are very excited to kick off our first Joshikai East Bay! On Thursday, March 10th, we'll meet for networking, girl talk, and drinks at Ippuku, a modern izakaya between Shattuck Ave and West Entrance in downtown Berkeley, 2 blocks from BART. Mingle, chat and share stories with other women in English and Japanese. Any skill level of Japanese and English is welcome, and this will be a great opportunity to practice your language skills and connect with women who have similar interests. Feel free to join us whenever is convenient, and bring friends!
次回の女子会は3月10日に、焼き鳥と焼酎がおいしいバークレーの居酒屋イップクで行います。いつもはサンフランシスコで行っていまですが、イーストベイでの開催を!とのリクエストにお答えしました。みんなでリラックスしながらおしゃべり、情報交換、ネットワークをしましょう。もちろんお友達も誘ってどしどしお越し下さい。(やっぱり今回 も男子禁制です。)
Date: Thursday, March 10
Time: 6 pm - 9 pm (Please feel free to join and leave whenever is most convenient for you!)
Location: 2130 Center Street (between Shattuck Ave & West Entrance),
(510) 665-1969